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Omega D Oil for Horses

Omega D Oil for Horses
By Horse First 3 years ago

With horses coming from a healthy grass diet and facing into the winter, now is the time to introduce Omega Oil. It has been proven that supplementing the equine diet with oils that contain higher levels of Omega 3 are highly beneficial to all horses. As well as having anti-inflammation properties the short-term benefits include improved skin and coat condition. Omega-3 fats can support a calm demeanor, immune function, and joint health. The Horse First Omega D Oil is formulated by our nutritional experts to insure the correct ratio of Omega D Oil and Vitamin D for maximum benefits. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and vital for bone development and strength. Added to high quality Omega Oil, gives the Horse First Omega D Oil even more nutritional properties.

Omega Oil for Horses

In their natural environment horses consume only a forage diet, mainly grass. The grass does contain small amounts of fat and most of that is made up of omega 3 fatty acids. With horses stabled and in regular work, it is important to substitute these oils as supplementation may benefit your animal.
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) that are essential in the horse’s diet. The horse cannot synthesize these essential fats on their own, which is why they must obtain them through the diet.

Research has shown many benefits for feeding Omega D Oil. For animals that have difficulty gaining weight they could also benefit from essential fatty acids as a dense energy source. This allows you to introduce more energy in your horse’s to support healthy weight gain without feeding higher volumes of hard food.

Horse First Omega D Oil is a cold-pressed flaxseed oil with added vitamin D, 'the sunshine vitamin'. It contains the correct balance of Omegas 3, 6 and 9, which are known as Essential Fatty Acids. These Omega Fatty Acids CANNOT be naturally produced by your horse. Horse First have added the extra component of vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption and vital for bone development and strength. The Horse First Omega D oil is made from the highest grade cold pressed oil which ensures that your animal is getting the best possible oils in its diet.

Horse First Omega D Oil is essential for any yard this winter. It has been calculated that two Litres lasts 66 days and so significantly outlasts similar products on the market.

Read more about Horse First Omega D oil here.