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Why is Copper Considered Important for Horses?

Why is Copper Considered Important for Horses?
By Horse First 1 years ago

Have you ever wondered why copper is considered important for horses?

Copper (Cu) is an essential trace mineral that is required in the equine diet to support the proper function of many enzymes in the horse’s body. Copper is one of the most commonly deficient minerals! Cuppra from Horse First is the ultimate copper top-up. Cuppra from Horse first is the ultimate copper top-up with a multitude of health benefits.

Copper is not only is it often lacking in pasture and hay but its bio-availability is fragile as high levels of other minerals, such as iron, compete for absorption.

Did You Know?

Did you know that copper plays an important role in energy metabolism, bone formation, soft tissue elasticity, uptake and storage of other minerals. As well as this, it helps coat, hoof and skin condition and pigmentation. One of the classic indicators of a deficiency include poor dull coat, poor hair quality and loss of pigmentation e.g. grey/pink spotting or mottling around the muzzle and eyes.

Hoof First Cuppra

Support Healthy Growth

Foals can also be supplemented with copper to support healthy growth, particularly to help form strong bones and joints.

For young stock it is extremely important for enzymes involved in the development of connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
It's also one of the most important minerals required for healthy hoof growth. A shortage will lead to abnormal bone development and brittle bones.

At Horse First we have a full selection of supplements for your animal. We are happy to answer any questions on your requirements.